(This would be a comment to yours on the previous post, but has long as I thought it best to hang it as a new entry).
Hmmm, interesting debate! Daniel, I have not said that disorderly people suffering from mental laziness, but there is some kind of disorder that is characteristic of the mentally lazy (in this case, neither are all that are, or are all they are). And in fact in my first comment was talking about another future entry on the subject.
As far as the ordered chaos and chaotic order, are another matter, which might also be interesting to address in the future.
The truth is that I almost always find what I want (99% percent of the time) but there are a small portion in which no (that 1%), which is desperate, and usually coincides with a breach of one's routine. I, for one, always leave the glasses in the same place when I take them off (in their case in the bathroom when I wear contact lenses, and I have the little table beside the bed before lights out), but the day that I do not, and on the few occasions when I do not wear contact lenses, can not find it ... I need to find them! (I've come to wear contact lenses again, only to find the glasses!).
Now I'm looking for a poem I wrote some time ago (many years), well, I got to find all the poems I've written in my life, except that! Probably because as one of the I looked more profitable, at some point we separated from the rest to have it at hand ... (I still find trust, Max, you owe).
Finally, despite being so tidy, I have a small problem (because I'm also a little "drums"-a Catalan word has a nuance that has no equivalent in Castilian, halfway between anxious and hasty) is me "take off" things without realizing it. I go with something in their hands to keep in place and the phone rings or the doorbell rings, or remember something urgent I have to do ... Loose, where I caught the object (sometimes in very, very unusual) and then, but usually just appearing, I can take days or even weeks to find it, precisely because it is in a "inappropriate" where I never think to look (I can even walk past it several times without seeing it).
So I lost my dearest favorite brooch (a gift of love at the time) a Dodo bird, perhaps some will remember having seen, because he almost always wore on. One day I went to the airport just in time and a very bulky luggage. I had set aside for the rush and put it on I almost forgot it. At the last moment, I took with the intention of prendérmelo in the taxi during the trip. With him in hand, and pulling the suitcase and other packages with the other, went to the newsstand to buy the paper, let out a time to take the wallet ... and forgot to pick it up. When I realized I was on the plane and never appeared (although he asked for my return). I cried with rage, because besides the sentimental value I really liked because it was very original. Now
not suffer much by the things I miss. Over time I developed a kind of Zen doctrine on the subject: not worth worrying about the loss of an object appears at the end if you've had a tough time unnecessary, and if it is not, worrying will not change the result ...