Tuesday, September 28, 2010

How Many Calories Are In A Brownie With Frosting

confess that I'm still alive ...

usually happens at certain times (to me this happening very often), one "not" present. Personal existence is reduced to a mere shadow ghost, who does not receive anything. That does not answer anything. Just walk. No stops. Do not know where it goes. He does not care if it rains or if it cleared. Neither the lights were fixed. Thanks to some divine mercy, save unharmed these multiple machines that crowd the capital. Just want to escape. The university as temporary refuge, but soon gets bored of makeshift hiding place and begins to walk. The truth that the only thing that motivates him to be in those pastures, is that right around the corner, easy drinking rich coffee machine. Just platitudes and fleeting happiness. But hey, it's better than being caged. But the cages and shackles are business entities. Collude and usually arrive in droves. Wait for the Phantom to stop and Pafff!, He is caught. The poor spectrum, without arms or courage to confront, give up your gruesome attack and is reduced to a tiny molecule.

But was not always so. That miserable molecule, in better times, was a proud and haughty Lord. Boastful and pompous. Nobody discouraged. Cry with despots, mesmerized the masses, with enchanting charisma. He surrounded himself, as he supposed, of reliable and true friends. Also believed "to have" a devoted wife by his side. But he was wrong. All your dream kingdom were but chimeras, outputs mother, who never existed. Everything you went to shit. His boundless confidence was a whore mother and stay there, the VII molecule, it reduced to a molecule and many more ....


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