Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Micki James Streptease

The Wealth of Life!

"I do not pretend to have no ship or aircraft as other artists, my glory is to be with friends." Mercedes Sosa

Every time I write and update this space reconsider the name you chose for it. I think that being in direct and indirect contact with so much suffering, pain, burdens, worries and negative experiences in a country like Honduras, challenges my perception about life. For many compatriots, life is not smiles and is very far from being beautiful. However, despite all the evils themselves and others, today more than ever, I believe that life is beautiful and worth living! Also know that life is not rosy, but no, it stops being beautiful!

As beautiful as the shared experience with my best friends for a couple of days! How can we not be glad about the visit of Lis, who was 11 years do not enter your home? How not to celebrate his return and the joy of yours?

2010 is a positive ending balance in my personal. No material I have everything wanted, but God has blessed me enormously with the friendship of wonderful people, who have put color to my gray days and my bad mood at times! Like Mercedes Sosa "La Negra", I can give "Thanks to life which has given me so much" while stating that "... my glory to be with friends!"


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