Pilot a ship that does not have any equipment or technology that allows me to go back, if "the back" in the universe, do not exist on earth am a secret project so secret that it came up, if still alive, I remember as a test case over science when they wanted to carry out such madness. I can not die my body is infected with nanorobots who are responsible for repairing any damage to my body, regenerate cells individually, I can not take my life something like an order implanted in my brain makes me crash, I know that I've tried thousands of times.
The ship is great and I have enough space for long walks in different arcologies but everything bores me cloistered nature seems repetitive and monotonous, everything takes on a tone gray and ugly in my eyes. I have all the human knowledge at my disposal at the time of my "sent" but it was all I had to know why I'm alone? as a large group of minds Scientists plan to include in this project even brooded no single individual as psychologists and psychiatrists that this would drive anyone crazy?
Why? Would it be part of the experiment?, I have compiled a list of lists hundreds rather thousands of lists I have all the time to draw up lists of all kinds but as I'm starting to ramble I will focus on the current list with the final list that I think are the main reasons for this project and I'm here:
1 - All around me except myself there is a virtual recreation to check where the human limits of endurance of solitude, one day I'll wake up and soon I'll be with boys (not who these guys but the phrase has been built up in my brain automatically) drinking beer and laughing at the stupid of my behavior.
2 - I have died and this is my personal hell have I taken what life on Earth to end like this? Really I was so wicked to deserve this? on the other hand I hardly remember anything of my life on the planet (except for blurred faces of friends and family but smells and tastes like beer and I can almost perceive endure now) and if this is a way to purge my sins " what are these and I will atone if not what are they?
3-I've gone mad or am a victim disease or remain in a coma all these options are in the same category.
4 - lkjhañlf sdklfl ñlsd 09320 iefsdhfkñsd dfhñdfhk ( jklfsjd ) 039 jhdkljda , ADLDS ' dsñófpeorpò kfñsldkfñsmc 324. 12 wdwjk 3 omdx !
This last option on my list is the closer, I think, to solve my dilemma is written in a language that I invented a frequency does not follow any code or is the mix of all human language filtering noise that produces what looks like a turbine, some of the technology of the ship, which accompanies me during certain times of the cycle of "being awake and" very different from the cycle "being awake" or simply "feed me awake" is not be confused.
As you could see I have no scientific or technical explanations to my dilemma because I am long over these issues I believe the blame lies with the time of which I lost track of it so that only the passage of this calculation in short periods as previously mentioned cycles. Lately
shuffle a new possibility but it is so creepy it gives me panic just ramble it was attempting to remove from my mind but it is appellant appears to have its own life and finds its way into my head at unexpected moments, that is when I exercise, but my body does not need to forget her away from me everything possible, I go into a frenzy of activity as maintenance of the ship as personal care, which is provided out of my horrible discovery, remain immune to the dream of ignorance, then it is my goal as the resolution of the dilemma bring tragic consequences for myself and any glimmer of hope would be doomed to failure.
The ship is great and I have enough space for long walks in different arcologies but everything bores me cloistered nature seems repetitive and monotonous, everything takes on a tone gray and ugly in my eyes. I have all the human knowledge at my disposal at the time of my "sent" but it was all I had to know why I'm alone? as a large group of minds Scientists plan to include in this project even brooded no single individual as psychologists and psychiatrists that this would drive anyone crazy?
Why? Would it be part of the experiment?, I have compiled a list of lists hundreds rather thousands of lists I have all the time to draw up lists of all kinds but as I'm starting to ramble I will focus on the current list with the final list that I think are the main reasons for this project and I'm here:
1 - All around me except myself there is a virtual recreation to check where the human limits of endurance of solitude, one day I'll wake up and soon I'll be with boys (not who these guys but the phrase has been built up in my brain automatically) drinking beer and laughing at the stupid of my behavior.
2 - I have died and this is my personal hell have I taken what life on Earth to end like this? Really I was so wicked to deserve this? on the other hand I hardly remember anything of my life on the planet (except for blurred faces of friends and family but smells and tastes like beer and I can almost perceive endure now) and if this is a way to purge my sins " what are these and I will atone if not what are they?
3-I've gone mad or am a victim disease or remain in a coma all these options are in the same category.
4 - lkjhañlf sdklfl ñlsd 09320 iefsdhfkñsd dfhñdfhk ( jklfsjd ) 039 jhdkljda , ADLDS ' dsñófpeorpò kfñsldkfñsmc 324. 12 wdwjk 3 omdx !
This last option on my list is the closer, I think, to solve my dilemma is written in a language that I invented a frequency does not follow any code or is the mix of all human language filtering noise that produces what looks like a turbine, some of the technology of the ship, which accompanies me during certain times of the cycle of "being awake and" very different from the cycle "being awake" or simply "feed me awake" is not be confused.
As you could see I have no scientific or technical explanations to my dilemma because I am long over these issues I believe the blame lies with the time of which I lost track of it so that only the passage of this calculation in short periods as previously mentioned cycles. Lately
shuffle a new possibility but it is so creepy it gives me panic just ramble it was attempting to remove from my mind but it is appellant appears to have its own life and finds its way into my head at unexpected moments, that is when I exercise, but my body does not need to forget her away from me everything possible, I go into a frenzy of activity as maintenance of the ship as personal care, which is provided out of my horrible discovery, remain immune to the dream of ignorance, then it is my goal as the resolution of the dilemma bring tragic consequences for myself and any glimmer of hope would be doomed to failure.
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