Honduran Women's Day: Reality or Desire? Overcoming
Today we celebrate Women's Day in Honduras ... yes yes, ironic as it seems! Our country is one of the few where women have our day in addition to the International Women's Day celebrated on March 8.
As is customary, I have received many messages of congratulations, as we do from this day, especially women (we love to give us and between us), quite a commotion and party ... I guess to try just forget in Honduras, a lot to do to have a truly fair treatment, where women have space and equal opportunities as men, at least we can compete and that is suitable for both sexes. I have clear and I am aware that many tasks can not and must be performed by women, because we are and think differently than men. For that matter, I can not imagine a woman security guard with the level of crime and criminal risk that exists in this country. Nor do I see in Construction or installation of power lines, and that while in some, we have shown high determination and commitment to doing things do not have the physical strength that these jobs demand.
However, when it comes to work management, administrative or other in which both can do the work relying on the skills and experience required, women almost always end, earning less than men. Who's to blame? "The system or the same women who in past recent elections voted mostly for men by publicly elected (MPs)? Is there not as smart as women to represent our interests and rights in the Congress (I must admit that there are a few that do not have the intelligence required)? Or are there no women so wise as to leave to participate in projects that all they want is the sale of body and pretty face? How much longer will sell the idea that the only thing that matters is to talk about novels, shoes and purses?
Nor do I wish that I be accused of being a feminist, because first of all do not dismiss the man as a helpmeet for me or for another woman ... the truth is that we're dying to have a man on our side! !, but not a macho look in one, to the maid who has never had, or worse, has always had a child, by consent of the same mother.
And to say in relation to domestic violence?? Better not touch the issue because it gets ant color: every day many women die and suffer due to lack of tolerance of domestic partner.
What we have to do then?
Among other things, we start with:
a) To participate more actively in projects to benefit women, or require our members or Civil Society Institutions that these projects are developed. The current "Equal Opportunity" can be improved, so we have to begin by demanding the Congress, that improvement.
b) Report any physical, mental, emotional against women, whether at home or business.
c) to demand equal rights in exchange for equal duties and responsibilities.
d) educate more and better ourselves and our men, boyfriends, husbands, brothers, friends, colleagues. and let them know if women demand rights, not take our word for superiors, or be against men, but because we want fair treatment according to what we bring to society.
The rest, as a subject so vast, I leave you wanted to (a) lector (a) ... I hope this day, his congratulations on the "Day of Women" as well as sincere, is reflected in the recognition, support and consideration you have for all women around him.
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