Thursday, June 10, 2010

Tooth Brush Sno Cap Refills

With all eyes in South Africa! April Flores

's been 28 long years since we saw for the first time in Honduras in World Cup. Despite my young age in 1982, still carry with me unforgettable moments of that World Cup held in Spain, and in which we had to play against the host! Fortunately Honduras had a decent role, with a choice that many remember in a special way for their delivery ... its claw catracha, as we say here!

A few hours after starting the World Cup, and in a few days to witness the participation of our country against Chile, I can say that most are already eating, dreaming and thinking about football! It's one of those inexplicable passions! A few days after the first anniversary of the "coup" or "constitutional succession", I can bet that few people want to go back to suffer from political insecurity, economic and social development for which we went through a few months ago and which we are costing exit. There is already talk of new gear, new slogans, new attempts by a Constituent ... going to bring Mel Zelaya !!... and even a new coup or ouster of the newly elected president!

I think most, if irresponsible enough, we want to forget any of this matter, typical of the same groups that in the end they want the power and protect their own selfish interests. Honduras solutions are summarized in more work and less corruption. Some might say that football is the opium of the people, but in a country like Honduras, where we are tired of the same, and the impoverishment of this country, football it's a relief! We live with passion and we enjoy the most of the night that Mr. Jonathan Bornstein gave us the ticket to South Africa!

For many Hondurans, this will be his first world ... an experience they will never forget, regardless of the outcome!

Unlike Spain 82, I'll keep this world much more closely, the Internet, the blackberry, social networks, and spaces like this blog, will allow us to share, even with people we may never meet ! In horabuena!


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