Monday, October 17, 2005

Sleep Apnea Pre-existing


thought posting some other things that go around the head, but I was impressed by the article today in El País, of Rosa Montero (I guess you can read it by entering the page of the newspaper, which I think now is free to access, if not, I say and try to scan it and post it here) . I am touched by your ability to get excited about not only the great tragedies, but also sensitive. With the 10,000 boat people lying dead on the bottom Caribbean and the misfortune of a poor kitty, lost in the subway tracks. I, "most" want to be like her and retain the ability to hurt me the tragedy of others, whatever their nature and dimension. (This may open an interesting debate about the ability of emotion and the need to know the pain, at least to some extent, to appreciate the pleasure).
The second issue I raised reading comes from an old debate among friends (we were talking about how many left intellectuals are not as critical to the outrages of the Communists and with the "fascists") in which some claimed that Rosa Montero did not condemn in a clear and open dictatorship that is, in Fidel Castro. I argued that it did. A few days after that debate, she published an article, also on the last page of El País (if anyone wants the reference I think I can find it), where it was clear its position as evidenced by what he writes today.
As I do not want that input is tedious because of the length, I leave here.


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