Sunday, September 13, 2009

How To Dispose Whisper Sanitary Napkins

The Greeks cared very much for your beard. The barber shop was not only frequented by those who needed the service of the barber for a haircut, shave, cut nails and calluses and small hair pulling, but was also, according to Plutarch, a meeting without wine, which were discussed and local political news.

According to tradition, many Macedonians were killed by the Persians hanging from their long beards and pulling them toward the ground. Accordingly, Alexander had his troops to shave during the battle. After the time of Alexander the Great, the barber business became profitable due to the custom to stop wearing a beard, despite protests from several states.


Alquifrón describes a Greek barber with the following words: "You see how I have tried a barber in your street, the storyteller who raises the mirror and smashes their knives in harmony. I went to shave me, I was politely put me in a high chair, I wrapped a towel and passed the knife on my cheek gently to remove the thick hair. But this was a bad trick on his part. He did it in parts, but by the entire chin, and some places the left rough, others softened without realizing the it. "

In works of art, especially in portrait statues, the beard was always a particular feature. Most are arranged in graceful loops and covers the chin, lips and cheeks, without separation of the mustache. Old portraits only the wedge-shaped beard is combed into long wavy lines, and the pins are separated from the whiskers. We have the example of the magnificent head of Zeus crowned with the diadem of Talleyrand's library.

crowned head of Zeus

normal hair color was dark blond hair was considered of great beauty. Homer gives blond curls Menelaus, Achilles and Meleager. Also consider the hair as one of the biggest signs of male beauty. There were less well placed loops of the girls and women praised by the tragic poets.

Among the Spartans became a sacred custom, derived from the laws of Lycurgus, let his hair grow as soon as the child reached the age of efebos, whereas hitherto it had been short. This custom lasted among the Spartans until they defeated the Achaean federation. But they paid no attention to the hair: only on special occasions, for example on the eve of the Battle of Thermopylae, the Spartans are so arranged in a special way.

In Athens, around the time of the Persian wars, the men used to wear long hair tied at the top of the head with a rope that was fastened with a fork in the form of cricket. However, the monuments do not offer any examples of this custom. Only the portraits of two pancraciastas, a monument probably dating from Roman times, discovered an analogy with the ancient custom Attic. After the Persian war, when the dress and customs Ionians had undergone a change, it became customary to cut the hair of children reaching the age of efebos and dedicate it as an offering to the gods, for example to Apollo at Delphi or to a local god. However, attics people wore their hair very short and their slaves, but they used to let it grow according to their own taste and fashion. Only dandies, like Alcibiades, let your hair fall over her shoulders in long curls. Philosophers sometimes also attempted to revive the old customs have long hair.


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