Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Women How To Masterbate

Neo / Neo

I was struck by a revelation that more imagined and how is it not exist? I can see

and feel RAD must certainly be wrong
- I'll explain what that Samsa is the name that you chose for you a long time, "said RAD to my thoughts.

The electronic brain that handles this this ship are you, the better would be to say that you are an avatar of the brain, nearly 90 percent of it is dedicated to maintaining and driving the system of care and the most precious arcologies the genetic loading for much of humanity ready for cloning when the end of the trip. There

10 percent of the electronic brain that refuses to be a mere machine, so much time studying human behavior, history, arts to the social system demotic patterns are designed on a human brain .... that part of you refuses to be a machine, Samsa created a machine in your unconscious you came to such a degree of empathy with human beings that you think one of them.

I like you I am part of a computer program say an antivirus for cases like this, my mission is to make you see the authentic reality your true purpose for which you were created.

If it is true what you say RAD, which is bad .... I can continue the mission the same way is only 10 percent of the course cibercerebro do not think the mission is aefectada see why he replied.

The man named RAD for me, I see the sun at its zenith and gave way to night Eastern artificial landscape, some night birds began singing a sad case awaiting resolution of this dilemma, a strange moon rose over the horizon the red, it does not bode well.

The old man stroked his beard recomposed the jacket of the Victorian era up to that time was not worthy of my interest throughout the Victorian era a character out of a fairy Dikens.

"The problem is really serious Samsa ... ... for all axial continuing calls to suicide.
- My suicide?


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