Thursday, October 25, 2007

Largest Whitetail Deer Killed In Alabama

The title of this blog is a recurring thought I've been pondering for some time, has nothing to do with climate change or global disaster in the world order as meaning "green" word is rather the end of the planet as we know it to make way for another way of understanding the world, the best, or the complete extinction of the human race at worst.

tracks that led me to this way of thinking will describe in this blog like my stories sooo newbie writer, I do it for selfish pleasure and not for caustic criticism I can take with milk taste bad while to me pille, de enteradillos de la ci-fi esta la red hasta arriba

El hombre actual ( y por supuesto la mujer …….y no pienso estar aclarando esto cada vez que escriba una parida mental por que entre otras cosas……la mayoría deleznables y alguna que otra buena soy políticamente incorrecto de lo cual me enorgullezco y llevo a gala cada vez que puedo y tengo ocasión) se encuentra con una capacidad de conocimiento increíble por el que otras culturas en otros periodos de la historia se dejarían matar, pero también somos conocedores de la frivolidad en todos sus niveles, para colmo la elite intelectual es un reducto de “nerds” inadaptados que de vez en cuando se enriquecen y se venden al mejor bidder.

The age of disinformation by excess information, mental illness, especially depression, affecting millions of inhabitants of this island floating in nothingness, there is speculation drugs and food is marketed to people in different forms of slavery each which more sinister.

On the other hand we have hundreds of organizations and individuals with good purpose to try to help (which is not made is another thing but they are) never been a universal awareness to help others at this level we only have to remember that past happens is that good does not sell.

These two conflicting currents and decoupling live policy can have consequences that reach to imagine it any other way that is not defeatist or a road to hope completely mysterious.


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